Picture of a tattooed woman on hands and knees on a bed, laboring with 3 hands applying pressure to her lower back.

Why Diamond Doulas?

I want you to tearfully, and joyfully look back at your birth experience as one of the best moments of your life.

I remember when I was in labor with my son. I hadn't hired a doula, I didn't even know what a doula was. My best friend's mom used to deliver babies at the hospital I was at, and offered to come be supportive. I am SO happy I accepted. I was planning on white knuckling it. I knew I didn’t want an epidural, and that’s all the motivation I really had. I didn’t invest in good childbirth education, and I didn’t really practice my coping mechanisms. She helped bring me back to the present moment, contraction after contraction. She helped guide my partner in ways to comfort me. She made sure I didn’t fall when I fell asleep suddenly in between contractions.

She grounded me. I had my baby, unmedicated, in the hospital.

Without her, I feel like I might have felt like it was a ‘bad’ experience because I would have been stuck in a fear cycle. 

After I had a few months to marinate on my beautiful experience, I realized I wanted to help people have that type of experience. I want to hold your hand as you're walking on the edge of existence, in the space between who you were and who you’re becoming. 

I want to capture moments you don’t notice because you’re in labor land, so you can look back and remember your power for years and years to come. 

I want to release your worries about the logistics of finding perfect providers. We have a list of providers and resources, as well as partner with an amazing massage therapist, physical therapists, and chiropractors to give you the most amazing and seamless journey through and through. 

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Book a Free Birth Breakout Session

We will go over what your dream birth looks like, and 5 steps you can take to prepare for birth, whether you are birthing in or out of the hospital, and with us as your doulas or not. We want you to be informed and feel loved and empowered on this magical journey of transformation.


  • Everything that is included in the little blue box special, and then also, private pregnancy and postpartum concierge. Depending on where you want the most support, your heart and soul will be dripping in love and pampering. Between our partnered massage therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and other healers, other pregnant people will want to know what you’re having.

  • This is our basic birth doula package, and it’s different than a lot of other birth doula packages. We include at least 2 prenatal appointments, with an option to add more. We offer continuous text connection/support, as well as phone calls and emails. We are on call from 37 weeks, but work as a team, so if there was ever a need to use back up, that is built in, and you will meet your back up doula to have that connection. We will labor with you whenever you feel you need us. Some people don’t need support until things are farther along, but some people need extra help in early labor.

    We also always include birth photography, because once these moments are gone, you don’t get them back. You can delete pictures you don’t want but you can’t get pictures that don’t exist. If we are able, we also include some video.

    After the baby is born, we stay about one to 2 hours after the baby is born, and will help with initial feedings if you want us to. Also included is 2 postpartum appointments, 1 to debrief and see how you are feeling and pinpoint any areas you may need support, and the second is when you will get pampered by our local massage therapist Belinda Wager. She will come to your home and do a womb warming session while we either tend to baby or chores.

    Included in this is access to mindset coaching throughout pregnancy.

  • This is for clients who aren’t in the area, or who aren’t yet sure if they want a doula. In this mastermind, we will go over different fear releasing techniques, mindset reframing, and how to practice habits of joy to create a better possibility of a magical birth experience.

    Members of the mastermind will get a group coaching session every week as well as access to our exclusive community.

    This is $500 per pregnancy, though you will have access to our community for lifetime.

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Contact Us

Pregnancy and birth is different for everyone. Each one of our packages is specifically tailored to your needs. If you fill out our form we can figure out the best way to connect.